02 March 2018

SWTOR Roadmap #1 Reviewed

I'll be honest.  My feelings are mixed.  On the one hand, there is a lot of exciting and needed changes coming.  On the other, not as meaty as I hoped it would be.  Either way, it sounds like we're full steam ahead through a very interesting 2018 for Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Let's start by commenting on a few of the points made in this year's first Roadmap.

"I think for all of us, this Roadmap process we started last year could stand a bit of improvement. Instead of providing information every 90 days or so, it’s taking a lot longer to get you any information about what we’re planning, and honestly, that needs to change. I’m still reticent about communicating details beyond 90 days, but I do want you to be comfortable with our direction and where we are headed."

I've heard a lot of bitching about this statement of Keith's.  They hold it up as some sort of proof that the end is imminent.  This would be the last thing I would say is proof that the EA is about to pull the plug.  Anyone who's ever worked in a corporate environment or even in management knows that what you tell your staff/customers, they will expect and demand.  The reality is plans sometimes and change often.  Secrecy helps prevent businesses and employers leaving themselves open to being accused of subterfuge and mis-representation.  Its not that those kinds of things don't happen, but the vast majority of business decisions are changed not to deceive but to make things more efficient, cost-effective, accessible, and on and on and on.

"we’ve decided to use the Forums as the means to get you the information about the next couple months versus waiting for a Roadmap. This will allow us to be more responsive to your questions, address your concerns, and maintain a better dialog going forward. It also helps us (especially me) to stay available and not make it seem like we’ve disappeared into the ether."

I am not a fan of this change.  I very much liked the Roadmap.  The vocal minority tends to drown out game updates with their whining and complains, making it necessary to wade through page after page to find the useful bits.

"There will be two modes with Izax; Story and Master mode. This also means we will not be offering a full Master Mode for all bosses in the Operation. This was an especially difficult decision for me to make, as I have loved the interaction between developers and our raiding community. Yet, based on what we’re planning for this year and beyond, it’s better to focus on the upcoming group content."

I didn't even need to read the comments to know this was going to create an uproar in some aspects of the community.  I understand their disappointment.  They have a right to be disappointed.  Maybe they ought to consider that the dev's means will justify their end.  Skip out on a layer of one raid for overall better and quality content in the future.  Seems like a fair trade to me.  Don't forgot the 'special Izax event' carrot they plan on dangling later, just so you can get your swag.

"we’ve made substantial improvements to the Conquest system including a new interface, new daily objectives, new missions, and more. Most importantly, we have rewritten the backend system to ensure you benefit from your weekly efforts. . . A new Conquest Vendor will appear for those who complete their personal conquests each week. It’ll initially have Decorations and a new Companion boost called the Commander’s Compendium which will increase your active companion to influence level 50."

Um, yay!  Having been an officer in charge of this part of my guild's activities, its been hard to get people motivated to do Conquest purely on prestige alone.  A change up was due, and I think people will be more willing to do Conquest now, not merely because of the new Comp boost, but because its always fun to have something new to work through or do.

And speaking of the new Comp boost, UM YAY!  Do you know what a serious pain in the pa-toosh and seriously expensive it is get enough companion gifts to raise your comp to Influence 50?  And that's just the humanoid companions.  I'd all but given up on my warbot, ISO-5R.  Keith and Co., of course, were vague on the cost of said boost, so I guess I should curb my enthusiasm just a bit before pronouncing this a wonderful new feature.  SWTOR is notorious for over-pricing their items. (More on that later.)

This year’s story has shown the final ramifications of the path that Valkorion first chose when he devastated Nathema, so it’s only natural that we go there to bring that story to its exciting conclusion.  We’ve added powerful new Augments for those who need additional stats to help take down Izax in Master Mode. Or, you simply want to be OP! In this new Flashpoint, we’ll provide legacy-based Crafting Patterns (Bind-on-Pickup – BOP) which will drop randomly off mobs and Bosses. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you may also find a Bind-on-Equip (BOE) version of the same patterns. We’ll follow up with the materials needed to craft the Augments.

Nod. Nod. Nod.  Yes, all good things.  New flashpoints are good, new augments are good and new crafting is good.  On to more interesting stuff.

"Arcann Romance – Everyone’s favorite former villain has had a change of heart and may be more “available” than he was previously."

My female Inquisitor will be so excited.  She's been harboring a secret crush on him, even turned away Andronikos before she was sure Arcann might return her affections!

Companion Return: Vector – Imperial Agents will see the return of Vector Hyllus! 

Me - meh.  Other people I know are probably dancing in the streets.

Companion Return: Ashara Zavros will return to the Sith Inquisitor’s side. 

Me - /eyeroll/  Other people I know will be excited to have her sassy self back.  They can have her.

Companion Return: Felix Iresso – The Jedi Consular’s loyal soldier 

Great. The clingy boyfriend is returning in April.  I suppose it was inevitable. They always find their way back somehow, don't they?

Companion Return: Mako and Akaavi - Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are reunited with this duo

Hurrah!  My bestie is coming back.  I've always loved Mako in a completely un-sexual way.  She was sassy but not stupid, sweet but not a pushover.  My bounty hunter will be so excited to have her sister back.

Now Akaavi on the other hand, well, meh.  She's ok but she was so frigid and superior that my Smuggler never did anything with her.  I'm sure there are those out there who will be glad she's back.

Now let's have a chat about these latest companions returns.  It was something I was discussing on my stream the other day in fact.  Something ThomasStarWars in comments section of the Roadmap stated I really agreed with.  The comment went something to the effect of "Watch it be poorly written too."  Amen, brother.  One of the beefs that I had with the last set of comp's returns was that it seemed a reactive afterthought.  What I mean by that is people have been asking for their old comps back and in order to get certain number of them off their backs, they threw us a bone and created mini not-quests that stood outside the current storyline.  I had to comfort myself somewhat by remembering that at least my romanced Corso/female Smuggler reuion wasn't as stiff and blase as my Maurader's reunion with Lt. Pierce.  I guess I was just hoping for something memorable.

Not the first, but certainly, to me, the most memorable return story that they've had so far was Aric Jorgan.  The return was written effortlessly into the female Trooper storyline of Disavowed.  He sees his long dead wife walking into his scope-sight and suddenly his world is turned upside down again.  The most heartwarming and meaningful line he says later speaks volumes: "I've been a widower for five years. It's a lot to take in. /small voice hitch/{thank you, Tim Omundson!!}"  Skooze me while I get a tissue.  Ok, I'm better.  If I counted correctly the changes to the overall script for this chapter came to about five lines.  Five! I believe if you break up with him, there's about the same number.  I point this out because it really doesn't take much adjustment to include a very poignant love reunion/breakup into a storyline.  And it also proves that not only can the reunion be memorable but can work well as a part of the storyline, even if its a small part.

Please, please, please, please, please, please Keith and Co. -- don't forgot the backbone of Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Story.  Ask just about anyone that plays SWTOR on a consistent basis why they play, and I'm willing to bet a large sum of credits that the majority of them will say Story!

In all fairness to the devs after I just got finished saying all of the above, I would like to commend whomever wrote the breakup scene between  Andronikos and the female Inquisitor.  Probably one of the most unexpected and awkward scenes around.  It was brilliant.

Lastly, it was not a part of the Roadmap but I did want to make mention of it anyway.  SWTOR released a new pricing list for some of the items offered on the Cartel Market.  According to Vulkk.com and SWTORData.com, there are been some price changes for certain items offered.  As per usual, SWTOR offer crap no one wants (see Mind Trap Toy -- 380 CC) on the Cartel and then inflates the prices of stuff people do (see Character Name Change 1000CC up from 700CC).

What was your favorite or least favorite part of the Roadmap?  Let's talk about it!

~~~~~   Scrappywheelz   ~~~~~

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