17 July 2017

I have 50 Followers!

Thank you to everyone who help me achieve my first milestone on Twitch!  As much as I really like to play games, having the ability to play games AND share it with a whole community of like-minded people makes it that much more fun!  And I hope that you guys are in it for the long haul because I've only just started.

One of the main things I use as my touchstone is "What do I like about playing games?"  Because chances are if I like something about gaming, say transmog, then its pretty likely other people do too.  I don't worry if people don't like it because everyone has their 'thing'.  So if this person likes a 'thing' then someone else does too, and so on.  And on it goes until the whole community is one big circle of sharing our 'things'.  So for my part, I share the things I like and do it the best I can so that every time you tune into my channel, you find yourself enjoying your time and maybe encouraged to try something new or share something that people didn't know or think about before.

So without getting too heavy handed in my philosophies, I feel honored by your time, your comments, and your support.

I would also like to give special thanks to all my ladies in the Girl Streamers Community.  It's rare to find a group of people so open and welcoming.  And then add to that, people that are so free with helping hands and encouragement for no other reason than they want to be.  Thank you for including me and here's to a mutually beneficial arrangement in the future!


~~~~  Scrappywheelz ~~~

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