08 December 2017

Does he love me. . . does he love me not? Theron

So last night I finished the playthrough of my agent, Velvete's, storyline in the game.  I've been playing through it mostly so I can make notes for a story I've been working on.  And its interesting that some things  have been popping out at me as supportive of some of my fan theories about Theron Shan.

If you don't like SPOILERS, then stop reading now and come back after you played through Traitor Among the Chiss.

One of the biggest parts of my storyline with Theron and Velvete is their connection,  not just from their love for each other but also because as both of them are spies, there are some things that just don't need to be said between them.  And I'm not going to go down the whole list of places where Theron either proved to me that something more was up, or was so obvious a toddler could have gotten the hint (however, if, in the furture, a few people want to see my list I can post it in a different blog post).  I want to focus on a couple of things that popped up during and after I finished Traitor Among the Chiss.

The first one was what I'll start calling a Toddler Moment -  a hint done so obviously, the writer in me physically cringed watching it.  The moment I'm talking about is right at the end of the flashpoint where Theron is observing the holomap with the Chiss, Valss, and his hestitant "Yeah."  People aren't stupid.  If you're still in the pocesss of proving yourself to an organization, especially if they are illegal or have a dark purpose, like The Order of Zildrog is hinting at, any hesitation could be seen as not fully committed to the cause and thereby making you look suspicious. Certainly made me suspicious.  But I guess that's the point, we're supposed to question his motiviations.

The next is a very interesting letter I got from Theron after I got back to Odession.  It reads as such:

"I saw your message on the HoloNet.  I wish I could drop everything and leave with you.  Somewhere awa from all this war and death.  But that's just a nice dream -- reality is much harder.

Feels like I've fought for peace all my life, but everyone has let me down.  The Jedi, the Republic, even the Alliance.  The galaxy doesn't deserve this endless war for power.  I just want it to stop.  But now, I've finally figured out how to end the desctruction.  Trust that eveything I do is for the good of the galaxy.

I don't expect you to understand.  But however this ends, I just want you to know that I loved you from the moment I saw you.  And I always will."

Cryptic, much?  Possibly even a letter of intimation, dare I say?  Until we know all, all I have is supposition colored by hope.  I do hope Theron does come through, at least for Velvete.  Regardless of what happens to her, the galaxy will go on with or without the Alliance.  So I can't see why, even despite his best heroics his current plan falls apart, they can't reunite and fight through the aftermath together.  Time will tell, as it always does, as Lana says.

And since we are on a vein of romance today, let me share with you another letter I got about the same time.

"From: Arcann
Suject: The Alliance

We've spent such a short time as allies, but laready I feel a connection to the Alliance, and to you.  Your victories give me strength -- and I feel the sting of your setbacks.  This betrayal unsetttles me.

I realize you're strong enough to take care of the matter yourself.  I witnessed your power, not so long ago.  But as you protect the Alliance from this dangerous man, know that I am a weapon for you to wield however you see fit.  My hand is yours.  You need only ask."

Holy what???  I mean I have heard rumors that some time in the future they will be making Arcann a romanceable companion, but short of saying he's madly in love with me, its almost, ALMOST the same.  Guess time will tell on this one too!

What's your thoughts about any or all of it?  Do agree with my assessment?

No stream tonight.  And no stream on Saturday -- maybe.  I would normally stream this Saturday but we have Cmdr_Blackhorse's company party that night.  I might try a day time stream on Saturday, but only because I've been challenged to widen my gaming net and try Elder Scrolls Online.  Check Twitter for the most update to date gaming time updates, or check my channel's panel wall.

~~~  Scrappywheelz  ~~~~

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