28 December 2017

Post Holiday Break

For some reason, this year, the holidays seemed to be overwhelming.  It wasn't just the rushing around getting presents, or the  holiday gatherings, or traffic.  I felt by the time Christmas Day loomed near that my cup had ranneth over and then dumped out completely.  Hence, the sort of half-assed attempt at a Christmas party on the 23rd.  And I'm not done yet.  Kids are still out for winter break and my niece decided that the week after Christmas would be the perfect time to get married.

So I'm taking a break.  

I know.  I'm sorry.  My rather lackluster streams lately have testified to the necessity of it.  I never want to do something that 1) I don't enjoy doing or 2) dread having to do.  You can really tell when someone has lost the spark, and the only losers are the awesome people who come to watch one stream.  I haven't lost my spark yet, but I fear it has dimmed somewhat.

So what to expect:

1- I am taking a break until next year.  The plan is to return to a full schedule of streams on Wednesday, January 3rd at the normal time.

2- I am modifying my schedule again.  The alternating Friday/Saturday evening schedules are too weird and confusing.  I am considering doing a day-time stream for Friday while the kids are in school, but I haven't decided that yet for sure.  The rough draft of it looks like Mon-Thurs in the evenings, with a day-time stream on Fridays and my Sunday stream with GirlStreamers.  I will defintely keep you guys updated and of course, post the new schedule on my channel.

One last thing to note -- winters are hard on my depression.  Yes, I suffer from depression with just a smattering anxiety mixed in just to make things interesting.  If I've learned anything over the years about having depression is if you neglect self-care, it makes depression worse and it takes longer to bounce back.  This is my self-care.  If you suffer from depression, don't make the mistake I did and wait for years and years to care for yourself.  Find help, learn about it, and know that the people around you care about you and only want you to be your best self.  Need help finding help?  Go to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Thanks so much for understanding and supporting me.  Let's kick 2017 to the curb in a spectacular way and start over fresh in 2018.

~~~   Scrappywheelz  ~~~

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