22 October 2017

TwitchCon Keynote 2017

I am not going to attempt pretend that all the cool things offered at TwitchCon I had any access to.  I did make it a point to watch the keynote address, since that's usually when you get the biggest goodies they have to offer so you can feel glad you spent all that money, took time off from work and family, so  you could be there to hear it.  This is my first TwitchCon in any format and their keynote did not disappoint.

Here are the highlights from Keynote:

  1. Premiers - a way for content makers to showcase and advertise special content.  The keynote gave the example of one of their partnered beta testers put together a special edit of a few of her favorite moments.  According to her, it was like having a big party for all her viewers.  I can only imagine that if I understood Premier's format and intention, then this could be used to highlight any number of special events for your stream - fundraisers, giveaway parties, birthdays, etc the list could go on forever.
  2. Achievements - This is #2 on my list of 'excited for' improvements on Twitch.  I had been gunning for Affliate since I first started streaming but the thing was, even though they listed out the minimum requirements for attaining Affliate, they basically just said under all that "When you reach this nebulous and unquantifiable goal, we'll send you a letter.  Just watch for it."  Ok so I was paraphrasing but that's what it was like.  With Achievements, gone is the mystery and uncertainy.  Achievements will spell out how to obtain both Affliate AND Partnership using defined goals, that once reached, will mean a guarentee invitation to each level.  While being able to see how close you are to reaching each level, based on the slide example, it could be used as a way of seeing where your stream is excelling and where it needs some work.  They are planning rolilng this out in November.
  3. Stream Summary - Another fabulous addition for content creators.  As I mentioned, Achievements can be used as tool to improve your stream, Stream Summary was designed specifically for that.  It will break down different aspects of the last stream you had in to useful tidbits like most active chatter, number of follows/subs/donations, stream length and demographics for viewership, most clipped, etc.  All this information can be parlayed into a visual representation of the health of your stream, or places where you could improve.  End of November is when they annoucned this will be available.
  4. Rooms - I girl-clapped and cringed at the same time.  This new Twitch functionality will have a lot of implications for your stream.  Imagine have the ability to have chat conversations with your viewers during a stream while able to chat in a separate chat with your mods or subs.  I adore this idea.  However, its just one more section of screen that I have to babysit during the 100 other things I'm trying to do during a stream.  Rooms will be available some time in December.
  5. Rituals - they were very brief in mentioning this Twitch function, so I may have completely misunderstood Rituals' benefits other than Twitch's attempt to replace third-party apps or programs, such as Nightbot or Anhkbot.  From the slide it looked like it had new viewer greeting in chat functionality, as an example.  Hopefully Twitch will release further information before Rituals is released.
  6. Extentions - Unless I'm some sort of special snowflake that I didn't know I was, I'm already using Twitch's Extentions.  StreamLab's offers an extention that gives my viewers a little bit more interactivity than I would normally have - automatic Scrap accumulation based length of viewership, a bouncing treasure chest with bonus Scraps that all my viewers need to do is use their mouse to click on their screen, a music queue if I wanted to use it, and Scrap redemption prizes that I create myself.  Regardless, sounds like they are full steam ahead to offer user made extention platforms that can only do really awesome stuff as a content creator.
  7. Raids - Spend any time discussing Twitch and streaming and this will come up eventually.  For those not 'in the know', a raid when one streamer drop-hosts their viewers on another streamer.  The idea is usually a high-viewership streamer either drops their already accumulated viewership or plans in advance a viewership to drop on a streamer that they want to help out.  This is the holy grail of new streamers.  Apparently now, Twitch has bestowed their blessings and have sanctioned this idea and make it part of their offerings to streamers and viewers.  They were not very specific about how this would translate to any functionality of your Twitch options, so I'm hoping closer to its release date they will let us know how Raids will work in the future.
  8. Gifting Subs - This is hands down #1 in my book.  And they announced that this ability will be available right before the Holidays.  My guess would be sometime before or close to Thanksgiving.
All these changes in general are very satisfying.  Any time Twitch can offer more user-friendly functionality or useful additions is always a good thing.

~~~   Scrappywheelz   ~~~

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