09 September 2017

Get all the CXP!

So in case you haven't heard, the powers that be at Star Wars: The Old Republic decided to unintentionally extend the bonus command experience gained in Black Hole, Oricon, Czerka, Yavin 4, Ziost, and Section X  dailies.  Apparently due to a glitch with this last patch, the bonus experience continued past maintenance this last Tuesday.  Sooooo, have fun and hurry and taken advantage of it while you can!  They've stated that they will not be doing anything to fix this until patch 5.5 comes out sometime at the end of September or beginning of October.

I admit I came to appreciate CXP a little late to the game and so I'm trying make up for lost time.  One tip I've found extremely useful, especially if you play on a high population server, is the PvP zone instance.  Certain nodes and updates can be positively painful to obtain with rude people ganking them while you're fighting the mobs around them or waiting for overly long respawn times.  Not to mention just the simple fact that you've got 20 other people in the same zone doing the same things and well, you get the picture.  Transferring to the PvP instance has in most, if not all of the incidences that we've done, have been fairly empty of other players, regardless of faction.  Of all the times we've run in the PvP instance, we've had only two events where we actually had to PvP.  First was two stealthies decided to jump us in Section X.  Problem for them was that we were better geared and probably had more PvP experience than them.  They managed to kill 2 of the 3 of us, but made the mistake of sticking around long enough for us to pop back up and get some health back.  Suffice to say, there were two dead stealthies after that.  The other was a target of opportunity that one of my guildies could not resist taking.  I actually felt sort of bad for the guy since he was only trying to get his dailies done and probably didn't expect to be messed with.  So while its mostly peaceful on the PvP instance, just be prepared.

I should also mention that the Umbara exploit is still in place until the next maintenance.  As stated in the above link, Eric Musco has warned that they are fully aware of this exploit and plans on penalizing anyone who took advantage of it!

Lastly, I want to sending out prayers of safety to my viewers and friends in the Southeast right now as they prepare for Irma to make landfall.  Just as with Harvey, Irma is expected to be particularly devastating as one of the largest documented hurricanes on record.  I encourage everyone to take a minute or two to consider making donations to agencies who are surely on call at this minute to help people get back on their feet again.  Heaven knows they are going to need it.

Here are some reputable charities with proven track records:

Global Giving
Red Cross
Salvation Army
LDS Church Humanitarian Aid Fund (100% of funds donated are used for relief services, not administration)
Florida Humane Society
Florida SPCA

Again, I can't stress enough - please know who you are giving your money to before you hand over your credit card or cash.  Unscrupulous people are out in force right now trying to take advantage of the misfortune of others by swindling you of your money.

Join me tomorrow while stream World of Warcraft tomorrow afternoon!  www.twitch.tv/scrappywheelz

~~~~   Scrappywheelz    ~~~

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