21 September 2017

Schedule Shakeup

So tonight I normally don't stream.  Except I am.  And this Friday I wouldn't normally stream either, and I won't, however I will be doing a short live stream.  Why, you ask??

Cause I'll be at Salt Lake Comic Con!

Super excited to be going to one of my favorite places with the family.  We won't be doing any celebrity hounding this year but its ok because there's so much more to do than stand in long lines and listen to two dudes argue the virtues and vices of Kirk and Picard.  (Picard completely blows Kirk out of the water in intelligence, sophistication and sexiness - just sayin.)

So tonight in my semi-obsessive need to have all the healers, I might be leveling my agent some.  One thing I haven't really tried in Star Wars: The Old Republic is PvP healing.  None of the classes are really great for that.  Merc healers can be quite mobile with their heals and they get some nice shield procs and protective bubbles, but they only have one really good 'get out of stun lock free' and its cooldown makes it pretty unimpressive.  Sorcerer heals just got a nice big nerf stick to the face not too long ago and so while they have some nice abilities for heals on the run and escapes, they've seen a big loss in pure healing umph.  Which leaves me with the agent.

I have to admit.  Agent was fun to level but its not very much fun to play otherwise (note: IMO). As I've said before, I'm not a fan of melee DPS.  I much prefer ranged but agents as much as Gunslinger Smugglers suffer from ridiculously long cast times for their abilities with little to no mobility at all, if you want to cast the hard hitters.  I seriously tip my hat to the players that make the Sniper/Gunglslinger a viable and deadly class in PvP.  I just can't find the knack for it.  Which leads into some of the things I do not like about the agent heals.  Agent heals are less mobile than mercs, and they have more potential healing ability than sorcs.  But their abilities suffer from longish cast times.  The only thing, for me, that makes the agent rise above the rest for PvP is all its lovely escapes.  Which, having rarely played stealth classes, will be the hardest thing for me to learn and make intuitive.

So here's to throwing myself in the pool and making myself learn to swim so to speak.  And I'm going to do all for your enjoyment!

Here goes nothing -    www.twitch.tv/scrappywheelz

Also remember, you still have time to sub to your favorite Twitch-er for half off the normal sub price!  SubTember is almost over so make sure you take advantage of this fantastic offer while it lasts.

~~~   Scrappywheelz   ~~~

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