11 September 2017

Half Price Subs! and Revan

No, not that kind of sub!  Subscriptions!  During the month of September, Twitch is offering you the chance to support my stream for your first month for only $2.99 - half off the normal $4.99 pricetag.  SUBtember is here! (That one wasn't mine.  Blame Twitch.) Do you have to sub to enjoy my awkward and nerdy antics?  Of course not.  I don't normally pander the fact that I'm affiliated.  I figure if that's something you are interested in the button in the upper right hand corner of my screen next to the Follow button should be enough of a clue.  But since this something outside the norm, I'd figure I'd let you know about it!  If this something that interests you, great!  Let's rock and roll.  If not, great!  Let's rock and roll.

Did you also know that if you are an Amazon Prime member you are also eligible for an upgrade to Twitch Prime for free?  Yes!  Meaning commercial-free streams, access to monthly gaming specials and freebies and the ability to subscribe to one of your favorite Twitch channels for no extra out of pocket (meaning you don't have pony up another $5 [normally] a month).  That would be me, right?

So all this information directs you to one big question - "Why would you do that?".  Well, outside of the fact that I'm awesome which would be fairly specious of me to say, I've got lots of fun things planned for the folk who do subscribe to me coming up in the near future.  I've already hinted at one of them in a previous post, so keep your eye out for more updates.

DarthTemoc Deviantart
Revan!  What more can I say about this enigmatic force-user other than he is fascinating?  Now don't get all excited.  I have not read one word of any other EU Star Wars books on him (don't worry I have had friends chastise me on this already).  I didn't even know he was a thing until I started playing my first warrior in Star Wars: The Old Republic.  But ever since I played that first questline in Dromand Kaas (now located at The Wall), the duality of his nature, his seeming inability to assimilate both his light and dark sides has intrigued me.  Because let's be honest.  Who hasn't warred with aspects of their own nature in their way?  Who hasn't discovered that one decision changed the whole direction of your entire future, for good or for bad?

So for the next few play dates, I'll be focusing on playing out the entire Revan storyline that should take me from Mask of Revan on Dromand Kaas to Call to Arms for Boarding Party and The Foundry to Shadow of Revan on Rishi andYavin 4.  It should be a fun ride!

Hope to see you there!

~~~   Scrappywheelz   ~~~


  1. I will help you with this endeavor if you so need it. The story is of Revan is a great adventure and I'd like to be there with you when you experience it.
