03 August 2017

NOTICE! -- Streaming Schedule Redo

As many people do, I was chagrined to discover that I am subject to data limits on my internet.  Talk about an elbow to the gut.  So because of this, I'm forced to redo my very robust schedule and pare back a little.

As of Aug. 6th, my new schedule will be:

  • Sunday - Creative Stream 1pm-3pm, SWTOR evenings
  • Monday - Marital Felicity Mondays - WoW 9pm-12pm
  • Tuesday - SWTOR - 9pm-12pm
  • Wednesday - SWTOR - 9pm-12pm
  • Thursday - Day Off
  • Friday - alternate weeks off, on week - TERA/Hearthstone 9pm-12pm
  • Saturday - alternate weeks off, on week - TERA/Hearthstone 9pm-12pm
SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic)    WoW (World of Warcraft)

I'm not happy about this. I'm working on getting better service or more data but either way, I taking the extra day off on Thursdays.  That's not to say I won't be playing on Thursdays, I just won't be streaming it.

~~~  Scrappywheelz  ~~~

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